i have this peaceful little picture tacked to our bedroom mirror . . . just one of those scenes that makes an adult smile and wish once again for the sweet dreams of a child . . . another old Christmas card that we received years ago, but one i couldn't bear to throw out . . . i'm glad that i kept it . . .
Christmas should be a time of wonder . . . and a time of joyful anticipation . . . and a time of rest . . . i know for most women, it is anything but a time of rest . . . but???? well it should be!
so i'm sharing my peaceful picture with you . . . i've had many years to look at it . . . and think of all the different things it makes me feel . . . and all those things have been pleasant ones . . .
hope you have a peaceful day full of Christmas anticipations . . .
This was lovely, thanks for sharing. :)
i'm curious as to what makes other people smile . . . so i thought i would share my "smile maker". . .
hope today is a better day for you, Jeanette! saija
Oh, it definitely has been. I got A PACKAGE in the mail this morning. A PACKAGE for me, for me! I love packages! :)
Goodie!! nice to hear the Jeanette voice full of joy . . . :o)
and i finally went into town (roads were ice yesterday with -31C) - and got the mail and more Christmas cards and updates from friends . . . i love Christmas, in case anyone has noticed! i taped them inside my tree and it is looking great . . . warm, bubbly feelings going on now ...
Cards and packages! Snow! Fireplace! Yippee!
That looks like how I feel on Christmas Eve when everything is finally finished! My boys know the truth about Santa this year, so maybe I won't be exhausted and I can relax!
I love your picture!
hey Peg, so your boys know about santa . . . sigh . . . even tho' we didn't have kids, my sisters are kind of like our surrogate children, since they are ALOT younger (one was even born when i was already married) ... so i do know first hand about the joy of looking at the world through a child's wide eyed wonder . . . or maybe that is the way i look at the world all the time???? :o)
well as you crash after the Christmas celebrations, hope you find a comfy pillow and warm corner!
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