the Christmas countdown has begun for me . . . which means that i am being bombarded with memories ... the good and the bad ... i find Christmas is the time of year that i reflect on life the most ... i guess everyone’s emotions are set at high ...
this will be our first Christmas without our trusted guard cat, Kitty . . . we had just moved into this cottage and we wanted a loveable feline to complete the picture . . . we drove 2 hours, in a snow storm no less, to pick up our "blue eyed, black, male" kitten . .. which turned out to be a "yellow eyed, almost black, female" who spit at us for 2 days! i chuckle as i think of the tiny, fuzzy, bundle - who later grew into a regal, 20 pound, queen among cats!!! . . . she loved us unconditionally . . . oops, now i’m getting teary - told you emotions are high at Christmas . . .
anyway . . . last march, after 12 years of living with us and loving us, we had to put her down . . . Kitty was in so much pain (she came from a poor gene pool we later discovered, her brother died at the age of 5) . . . now all we have are the lovely lovely memories . . .
do you think there are animals in heaven?
Hi Saija... Personally, I do believe there will be animals in heaven. Have you ever read Rebecca Springer's book, Intra Muros? It's one of the most amazing books I've ever read--you can find it through bookfinder.com and amazon.com or perhaps through your library. It's been re-printed recently under a different name. Anyway, it was written around 1899, shortly after she was in a coma and had the most amazing 'vision' of Heaven--that's what the book is all about--her 'visit' to Heaven during the coma. She mentions her family's pet dog being there, and well, ever since reading that years ago, I've thought, why not?! Heaven would seem more like Heaven to me with the pets I have loved most. Really, it's an incredible book if you've never read it. Thanks for your cute pictures here and God bless! ... Debra
thanx for the book info, Debra . . .
i always hope that i'll see our past pet-family in heaven .. . because we don't have children, our pets get that extra affection from us . . . they are God's sweet creation for our comfort and joy . . . we still have one big bruiser of a cat left (he's 11 and very spry) . . . he doesn't miss Kitty at all, in fact, the more attention he gets, the happier he is!! at the moment, he is cuddled in Leo's lap - purring contentedly!
blessings on your day! saija
you'll see everyone you love in Heaven, even if they were born a cat.
Take Care
Michael: we've had both dogs and cats that have been such good companions over the years ... the sting of death is always taken away with the thought of heaven ... i would especially like to see INKY, our sweatheart cat from 20 years ago ... i wonder if Kitty and Inky have met, and compared "people" notes ... :o)
I think animals will be ih Heaven, too. Cuz Heaven will be the perfect place. Thanks for sharing your kitty with us. :)
Yay . . . that is 3 votes for "pets in heaven" ...
thanx Jeanette . . . :o) . . . i was missing kitty today, she used to guard our Christmas presents . . . and now that we have some out - there is no kitty to do her job ... sigh ... she was a cuddly sweetie . . .
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