come sit with me for a bit . . . just quiet your heart . . . despite what may be happening a world away, the Lord still gives us simple pleasure to make us smile here in our world . . . not that we forget those in distress, but just a gentle reminder that God is still in control ...
i woke up to a winter wonderland this morning . . . the snowflakes were large and gently falling . . . the coffee pot was ready to go, as i stumbled into the kitchen (a cat swirling around my feet) . . . the fire only needed a log thrown in, it caught and roared to life . . . i looked out the window and marvelled at the beauty of newly fallen snow, the quiet of a world at peace ...
i took my hot cup of coffee to the computer room, read some e-mail from family and friends, then checked out Debra's blog and sure enough - God used it to bless my heart ...
now the fire needs tending again, my cup needs refilling and soon i will wake Leo so we can have our devotions together ...
it's the simple things in life that we take for granted . . . yet it is the simple things that sooth our hearts when they are troubled ...
thank you Lord for your reminder.
That's something I wanna do ... devotions together with my fiance. We don't see each other often enough to have a routine for it, but we did Purpose Drive Life at the same time and shared what we learned with each other. We plan to do Searching for Heaven on Earth together. Writing isn't his strong suit, he's more auditory, so I gift him with CD versions of stuff and he listens when he drives places.
hey Jeanette . . .
when you guys are married, then devotions will be a cool thing to do together . . . it helps when i get annoyed at Leo, then we read the bible and a good little devotional thought - and my annoyance is put aside ... :o) . . . well usually anyway!!! i'll have to check out those sites you mentioned . . .
by the way, what kind of monitor do you have? mine flickers and i'm thinking of changing it because of eye strain (it is fairly new - but ....)
At work I have a ViewSonic graphics monitor. At home, I have a laptop, so the monitor is one of those flat gel kinds (part of the computer).
Darn, if you didn't live so far away, I'd make my brother send you one of his gazillion monitors (one of which used to be mine, but I didn't need it anymore when I bought my laptop).
:o) . . . that woulda been sweet re the monitor . . . i'm just thinking about what i'll do - i have an old monitor at work (but i only work from april - september) - and i have been online way more than other years at home - SO i may get a friendlier one for my old eyes!! of course Leo says just get it, but i like to weigh out all my options!
Oh, of course. So you'll weigh out your options, research your possibilities. But, in the end, you'll just get it and feel better for having thought about it first. :) Right?
Hi Saija... I'm so glad my post encouraged you and thanks for including a link to it. That was sweet of you. I hope you've had a really good day! God bless... Debra
Jeanette: :o) ... yes, i like to be an "informed" consumer . . .
Debra: you're welcome - i like the way you personalize different attributes like "grace". . . it was an interesting read again this a.m.
Blessings on both you ladies - the Lord has blessed me through your blogs . . .
The snow looks soft and fluffy.
Our snow does the squeak and crunch because of the cold.
No quiet snow here.
Thanks for the seat by the fire and the cup of coffee.
Take Care
hey michael, our snow squeaks and crunches too on the
-25C days . . . :o) . . . they are forecasting a blizzard to end our year with ... hmmmmm, we shall see ... ? we're cozy by the fire, so that is fine for us . . .
blessings on your day! saija
Just wanted to tell you "hello" today. Good wishes. :)
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