this morning, i woke up to a winter wonderland. i was only kidding when i said i needed a blog for weather reporting, really i was!! but somehow, at this time of year, if i don’t mention our weather - why it just wouldn’t be Canadian!
actually, this brings out the other issues i thought my blog would contain a lot more of . . . my faith and living with my husbands disabling, chronic pain . . .
while the weather is lovely for staying indoors and admiring, it really can create havoc when you live in the country ... i look out at our snow covered decks, walkway and vehicle . . . and i need to "get tuit" to clear a path . . . we have wonderful neighbours, who snow blow our driveway and would help more, if i asked . . . but i don’t ask (unless i’m in the ditch or something!), tho' i gratefully accept the help when offered . . .
with a house there are so many things to be done . . . and the sad truth in our litle world is that because of my husband's declining health, it becames a major effort for him to sweep the steps . . . the 10 minute task could put him in bed for the rest of the day . . . his health has totally side-lined him, which can be pretty hard on an ex-jock who is used to being in the playing field . . . i do my best, but i seem to be this "Lucy" type of klutz who makes a mess at every turn!!!! as i type this, i’m chuckling at my own mental images . . .
Leo and i seem to be at a crossroad in our lives . . . do we keep living in our sweet little pine/cedar home here in cottage country? or do we move into one of the towns near us? hmmmmm . . .
we are seeking God’s direction . . . with an open mind and a ready heart . . .
if we lived in a town, there would be churches near by (i miss sitting in a hard pew, singing along with the congregation, listening and sharing our faith) . . .
doctors and hospitals would be closer too . . . it is a 40 minute car ride to see the doctor and this Leo barely endures now . . .
on the other hand, we love our home . . . it is everything we prayed for . . . within these 4 walls, we have built our own little world and we know that it has been a blessing to us, and we hope to those that visit us . . .
well enough musing . . . i must go throw another log on the fire (ya, i really do that, the wood heat is better for Leo’s aching bones) . . . but it feels good to see these thoughts in black and white . . . out here in blogland . . . i feel excited about the future, knowing that God's timing is the best timing of all ...
"Nothing lies outside of the reach of prayer
except that which lies outside of the will of God."
Breakfast with Jesus by Greg Laurie
Hi Saija... Thanks for your comments at my blog! Hmm.. about your questions here, I know how you are feeling because we've gone through similar things this past year. But for us, we've come to the conclusion that we'll wait on God to tell us where and when to move. And we want to keep it that simple because we believe as long as we move where and when He wants us to, then everything will work out because we'll be in the right place at the right time.
God will make a way where there is no way--so we won't need to do all that complicated, confusing weighing of pros and cons, etc.--as long as we just hear His voice correctly and move at His perfect timing and to His chosen place. Hope that helps...hang in there! God bless... Debra
Amen, to all you said, Debra . . .
the waiting part is always difficult . . .
i'm the oldest child too (like some of your posts have talked about), and i like to make things happen, take charge and smooth life over for those in my circle ... for a little person, i can probably be kinda pushy with my agenda . . . so "here i be" . . . just waiting to see what the Lord has in store . . .
it's interesting that we have been experiencing some of those same life issues - i guess it comes with age . . . but Praise God He will see us through all these!!! i just finished shovelling 2 decks, a couple of sidewalks, around 2 vehicles and then got some wood . . . :o) . . . i told Leo that alot of people pay big bucks for the workout i just experienced . . . ha ha
thanx for your encouraging note . . . blessings, saija
Hi Saija, I agree, the waiting part is the hardest. I'm so sorry that your husband is struggling. Health is such a very important part of life ... people who have it never appreciate it until it's too late.
Your picture is lovely ... so peaceful.
thanx Jeanette . . .
i can truly say that the blessings in our lives out number the yucky stuff . . . some days that's a stretch, but the victorious days are so sweet that we quickly forget the ones filled with tears . . .
Leo has a quirky sense of humour that sees him through a lot . . .
What a beautiful picture.You are so lucky to have that postcard picture to look at every day even though you don't feel it.It was nice stopping by!
Visit sometime.
thanx for stopping by Cori . . .
and i do love our surroundings . . . i worked on Christmas cards in the afternoon and it felt wonderful to look out the window and see the snow falling, the Christmas music played in the background and our holiday decorations were all around . . . i felt blessed . . . :o)
I read your previous post and thats exactly how I feel .The pressure of making x-mas happen.For everyone. I am not ready for it.I guess just today I feel like this.Thanks for listening and visiting my site.See you soon! Cori
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